Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Better to be Cautious than Sorry"


Sometimes, little conscious habits may prevent an impending Stroke Attack…

Quoting my Qi Gong Grand Master:

“ If you suddenly have an urge to go to the toilet in the middle of the night…it is vital not to get out of the bed immediately, but to remember to at least take 5 deep breaths, mobilize your mouth, fingers, hands, toes and legs and stretch yourself first, to ensure that you are physically alright . . If you realize that you have problem doing any of these movements, call for help and do not get out of the bed.

Many a time, a stroke attack occurs when a person suddenly gets out of the bed, not knowing the actual condition of his/her body. There may be a problem with the blood circulation, blood pressure or dumbness of the limbs, while sleeping.

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